Leonine Iris Past Introductions

2022 Introductions

Cuddlebear (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

Sivithar (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

Crabby Abbey (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

Missy Molly (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

[Butterscotch Cookie] (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

[Misty Mauve] (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

[Strawberries and Cream] (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

[Fellowship Pact] (Leonine Iris 2022)

Bloom: 00"    Season:  

2021 Introductions

Irascible Rogue (Leonine Iris 2021)

Bloom: 13"    Season: ML 
Standards: Blush lavender With deep violet veining extending to violet
Style-arms: Cream with pale violet ribs
Falls: Cream with deep violet overlay with tributaries of violet toward the edge
Signal: Small gold
Parentage: Air Waves x Blood Veins
Seedling: j-awXbv-f
Description: S: Blush lavender With deep violet veining extending to violet; style arms cream with pale violet ribs; F: Cream with deep violet overlay with tributaries of violet drifting toward the edge; small gold signal.

Jentleman Jake (Leonine Iris 2021)

Bloom: 15"    Season: ML
Standards: Muted gold with maroon central veins
Style-arms: Chocolate darking to maroon
Falls: Deep gold with distinct maroon overlay and veining
Signal: Large deep maroon thumbprint
Parentage: Public Eye x Battle Line
Seedling: l-peXbl-az
Description: S: Muted gold with maroon central veins; style arms chocolate darking to maroon; F: Deep gold with distinct maroon overlay and veining; large deep maroon thumbprint

Melliandra (Leonine Iris 2021)

Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: Violet-magenta with dark violet veining
Style-arms: Faded peach blending to violet-magenta
Falls: Velvety dark violet magenta with dark veining over a small
Signal: small; light fuchsia thumbprint.
Parentage: Public Eye x Battle Line
Seedling: l-peXbl-am
Description: S. Violet-magenta with dark violet veining; style arms faded peach blending to violet-magenta; F. spheric with velvety dark violet-magenta with dark veining over a small light fuchsia thumbprint.

Midnight Spritz (Leonine Iris 2021)

Bloom: 15"    Season: M
Standards: Deep violet with indigo overlay and veining
Style-arms: Deep violet
Falls: Deep violet with indigo overlay; white, irregular spritzing at throat
Signal: Irregular white spritzing
Parentage: Coin of the Realm x Star of Evening
Seedling: j-crXse-e
Description: S. Deep violet with indigo overlay and veining; style arms deep violet; F. Deep violet with indigo overlay with white, irregular spritzing at throat

Tamifae (Leonine Iris 2021)

Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: Light coral pink with deep violet center vein extending into paler veining
Style-arms: Light coral pink
Falls: Light coral pink with dark orchid eye-shadow surrounding the muted gold thumb print
Signal: Muted gold thumbprint
Parentage: Unknown
Description: S. light coral pink with deep violet center vein extending into paler veining; style arms light coral pink; F. Light coral pink with dark orchid eye-shadow surrounding the muted gold thumb print, dark orchid veining within the eye shadow.

2020 Introductions

Cricklet (Leonine Iris 2020)

Bloom: 13"    Season: M
Standards: Orchid with deep purple central vein extending to purple
Style-arms: Orchid with medium orchid midrib and silver overtones
Falls: Orchid, wide overlay of purple blending toward edges; deep purple veining
Signal: Minimal cream thumbprint, distinct yellow dart
Parentage: Air Waves x Blood Veins
Seedling: l-awXbv-e
Description: Distinct, bright colors that stand out in the garden! Compact grower in part-to-full sun in our garden.

Dramatic Daybreak (Leonine Iris 2020)

Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: Golden yellow with red-brown veining
Style-arms: Golden yellow with red-brown cast
Falls: Golden yellow with wide-band red-brown overlay
Signal: Deep goldthumbprint
Parentage: Unknown
Seedling: volunteer
Description: A bright and, yes, dramatic color combination! Can take a few years to settle in and grow well.

Rainan Shine (Leonine Iris 2020)

Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: White with pale violet-blue overlay and veins
Style-arms: Fading violet-blue
Falls: White with wide violet-blue rim and light violet-blue veining
Signal: Yellow thumbprint
Parentage: Ocean Blue x Mantra
Seedling: k-obXm-ar
Description: Nice clumping habit and strong grower. Subtle changes in colors depending of sun exposure.

Scaliwaggle (Leonine Iris 2020)

Bloom: 9"    Season: M
Standards: Pale violet with medium violet veining
Style-arms: Medium violet
Falls: White heavily overlaid with violet, gold dart at throat, deep red-violet veins
Signal: Halo signal
Parentage: Licton Springs x Blood Veins
Seedling: j-lsXbv-c
Description: Compact and vigorous growth similar to Licton Springs with fun colors! Consider for a border or rockery planting.

Solar Rapture (Leonine Iris 2020)

Bloom: 12"    Season: ML 
Standards: Lavender blending to a wide band of thistle
Style-arms: Lavender with hints of thistle
Falls: Lavender blending to a wide band of thistle; distinct deep purple veining
Signal: Bright gold at base; gold dart to mid-petal.
Parentage: Pacific Rim x Sizzling Pitch
Seedling: j-prxsp-az
Description: Sturdy upright stalks hold the flowers just above the foliage.

Toetoodlie (Leonine Iris 2020)

Bloom: 12"    Season: ML 
Standards: Ivory heavily overlaid with deep pink
Style-arms: Ivory with faded pink
Falls: Ivory heavily overlaid with deep pink fading toward edge and distinct veins
Signal: Round yellow signal
Parentage: Air Waves x Blood Veins
Seedling: l-awXbv-g
Description: Muted colors enhanced when grown in part-shade. Clumps are fairly tight.

Brevette (Deborah Cole 2020)

Bloom: 10"    Season: EM 
Standards: Pale champagne beige
Style-arms: Bright gold
Falls: Pale champagne beige
Signal: Gold loosely veined
Parentage: Unknown
Seedling: 95-PCU-3
Description: S. pale champagne beige, bright gold center halfway out; style arms bright gold, pale champagne beige crests; F. same as standards, gold signal loosely veined dark purple fading out over petal, ¼˝ diameter spot of tiny purple dots at tip.

Smack Dab On (Deborah Cole 2020)

Bloom: 12"    Season: ML
Standards: Bright lavender-pink
Style-arms: Dark lavender pink
Falls: Bright pink
Signal: Dark red ray
Parentage: Ghio 2002 reselect sdlg X (Dracularity x Big Smile)
Seedling: 08-PC5-1
Description: S. bright lavender-pink; F. bright pink, dark red ray signal.

Miss Otis Regrets (Deborah Cole 2020)

Bloom: 13"    Season: M
Standards: Lemon straw
Style-arms: Lemon
Falls: Bright lemon straw
Signal: raspberry-maroon eye
Parentage: Unknown
Seedling: 99-PCU-1
Description: S. lemon straw; style arms lemon; F. bright lemon straw, raspberry-maroon eye signal, same color veining over center of petal.

2019 Introductions

Garnet Burst (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 14"    Season: M
Standards: light pink with medium violet-red veining
Style-arms: light pink blending to peach
Falls: medium violet-red with violet-red veining
Signal: medium gold flare
Parentage: Carrot Top x Deep Blue Sea
Seedling: j-ctXdbs-d

Snow Vixen (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 13"    Season: M
Standards: white; pale yellow rib
Style-arms: white with a pale yellow mid-rim
Falls: white with hints of frosty blue toward the edges; bright yellow veining
Signal: insignificant yellow-green at throat
Parentage: Pacific Rim x Sizzling Pitch
Seedling: j-prXsp-ai

Omaxin (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 13"    Season: M
Parentage: Air Waves x Blood Veins
Seedling: l-awXbv-f

Christina G. (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 14"    Season: M
Standards: medium goldenrod; purple veining; violet smudge under a gold dart along the mid-rib
Style-arms: medium goldenrod; violet mid-rib
Falls: medium goldenrod mostly overlaid with deep violet blending to violet
Signal: medium goldenrod; gold flash and blue marks between the veins
Parentage: Unknown

Peachberry Sorbet (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 12"    Season: M-ML
Standards: pale violet-red with a hint of pale blue in the center
Style-arms: pale violet-red.
Falls: pale violet-red with a peach haze; deeper violet red veining
Signal: light purple cone tipped with a dash of peach
Parentage: Unknown

Ghost Eyes (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 11"    Season: M
Standards: pale peachpuff with hairline violet rim
Style-arms: pale peachpuff; violet mid-rib; deep violet at base feathering in to violet; hairline violet rim
Falls: pale peachpuff; violet rim
Signal: violet; distinct gold dart toward petal tip
Parentage: Unknown

Impudent Lad (Leonine Iris 2019)

Bloom: 13"    Season: M
Parentage: Unknown

2018 Introductions

Dawning Sunset

PCI by Mother Nature (Leonine Iris 2018)  Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: peach; deep purple veining
Style-arms: peach blending to pale yellow mid-rib
Falls: left quarter of petal peach; remaining petal pale violet-red; purple veining overall
Signal: golden thumbprint
Parentage: Unknown


Seaman (2018)  Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: dark orchid; indigo veining
Style-arms: dark orchid with medium orchid overtones
Falls: dark orchid overlaid with deep purple
Signal: white at base; short golden rays extending
Parentage: Coin of the Realm x Star of Evening
Seedling: j-crXse-h

Odd Man Out

Seaman (2018)  Bloom: 12"    Season: EM
Standards: cream blending to pale blue; short yellow dart at the base
Style-arms: pale blue-violet
Falls: medium slate blue
Signal: white overlay darting to the tip; yellow rays at base
Parentage: Pacific Rim x Sizzling Pitch
Seedling: j-prXsp-aj

Skara Brae

Remare (2018)  Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: Sunflower ground, slight heather central flush, cedarwood veining paling toward edge
Style-arms: Popcorn
Falls: Small off-white area deep in throat, veined and shaded French lilac transitioning to English violet to heather, continuing as cedarwood veining and flush paling toward narrow sunflower edge
Parentage: Unknown
Seedling: PCN-1

2017 Introductions


Seaman (2017)  Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: creamy white; yellow at base; faint blue veins
Style-arms: creamy white with light yellow mid-rib
Falls: creamy white with violet veining; faded blue smudge at petal tip
Signal: round pale yellow; central rib bright yellow
Parentage: Pacific Rim x bee-cross
Seedling: j-prXuk-c


Seaman (2017)  Bloom: 14"    Season: M
Standards: deep violet blending with violet
Style-arms: deep violet blending with violet
Falls: deep, velvety violet
Signal: large white burst with smaller yellow burst overlay toward the center of the fall, extending along the central vein
Parentage: Coin of the Realm x Star of Evening
Seedling: j-crXse-o


Seaman (2017)  Bloom: 11"    Season: EM
Standards: pale violet-red
Style-arms: pale violet-red
Falls: medium violet-red
Signal: expansive golden burst
Parentage: Unknown (collected seed)


Seaman (2017)  Bloom: 12"    Season: M
Standards: thistle with faint purple veins
Style-arms: thistle with purple mid-rib
Falls: dark orchid with thistle wire rim; indigo veins throughout
Signal: indigo halo around a thistle thumbprint and yellow dart
Parentage: San Ardo x Coin of the Realm
Seedling: j-saXcr-s

2016 Introductions

Cosmic Sparks

Seaman (2016)  Bloom: 13"  Season: M
Standards: violet with almost black veining; white wire rim
Style-arms: goldenrod with violet mid-rib; pale violet style crests
Falls: deep violet blending to dark magenta; white rim
Signal: large golden burst pattern; pale violet at throat
Parentage: Coin of the Realm x Star of Evening
Seedling: j-crXse-b


Seaman (2016)  Bloom: 14"  Season: M
Standards: pale violet with distinct darker veining
Style-arms: pale violet
Falls: violet
Signal: large white burst with extended streak along midrib; yellow at throat
Parentage: Carrot Top x Deep Blue Sea
Seedling: j-ctXdbs-e

Ida Loves To Dance

Leonine Iris (2016)  Bloom: 12"  Season: EM
Standards: plum with slate blue veining
Style-arms: plum with dark slate blue mid-rib and margin
Falls: medium purple;
Signal: white diffusing to indigo wash with narrow peru blaze with indigo veining
Parentage: Unknown

Toe Tapper

Seaman (2016)  Bloom: 14"  Season: M
Standards: medium orchid with short violet mid-rib; pale wheat at throat
Style-arms: lemon chiffon blending to orchid style crests
Falls: medium orchid
Signal: large lemon chiffon signal overlaid with violet markings
Parentage: Coin of the Realm x Star of Evening

2015 Introductions

Blushing Dawn

Leonine Iris (2016)  Bloom: 13"  Season: M
Standards: wheat with pale violet overlay; darker violet veining
Style-arms: goldenrod with deeper shading
Falls: blended deep gold and sienna with gold rim
Signal: pale violet extending into dark violet corona
Parentage: Unknown; believed to be from Ghio seed

By Gosh

Leonine Iris (2015)  Bloom: 12"  Season: M
Standards: pale violet with few deep violet veins extending to purple
Style-arms: pale violet; violet midrib
Falls: pale violet with wide violet halo
Signal: white with deep purple veins and yellow central slash
Parentage: Unknown

Karmic Venture

Leonine Iris (2016)  Bloom: 12"  Season: EM
Standards: plum with slate blue veining
Style-arms: plum with dark slate blue mid-rib and margin
Falls: medium purple;
Signal: white diffusing to indigo wash with narrow peru blaze with indigo veining
Parentage: Unknown


Jean Witt (2015)  Bloom: 14"  Season: M
Standards: beige
Style-arms: beige
Falls: beige
Signal: yellow, sharply ringed in violet with lavender-blue wash diffusing out into the beige ground color; base of petals and perianth tube conspicuously purple-black
Parentage: Unknown; believed to be from I. macrosiphon

Red Delicious

Cole (2014)    Bloom: 12"    Season: E-M
Standards: pink-ecru, veined dark red
Style-arms: pale straw-yellow, style crests pink-ecru
Falls: dark red, veined darker, flared, arched
Signal: yellow, small, fine dark red veins; ruffled pink-white thin rim on all petals
Parentage: Dracularity X Big Smile

2014 Introductions


Leonine Iris (2014)  Bloom: 15"  Season: M
Standards: wheat with pale violet overlay; darker violet veining
Style-arms: goldenrod with deeper shading
Falls: blended deep gold and sienna with gold rim
Signal: pale violet extending into dark violet corona
Parentage: Unknown; believed to be from Ghio seed

Cuddle and Fluff

Leonine Iris (2014)  Bloom: 15"  Season: M
Standards: pale violet with few deep violet veins extending to purple
Style-arms: pale violet; violet midrib
Falls: pale violet with wide violet halo
Signal: white with deep purple veins and yellow central slash
Parentage: Unknown

Phantom Moon

Leonine Iris (2014)  Bloom: 14"  Season: M
Standards: dove gray with pale lavender wash and veining
Style-arms: pale dove gray with white rib
Falls: gray with a fading lavender halo around signal
Signal: white with distinct dark gray veins
Parentage: Unknown; believed to be part I. munzii

Rural Living

Leonine Iris (2014)  Bloom: 14"  Season: M
Standards: golden yellow; deep maroon parallel veins to center of petal
Style-arms: golden yellow
Falls: golden yellow
Signal: deep maroon covering most of petal extending into heavy veins; yellow fountain along midrib
Parentage: Unknown; believed to be from Ghio seed

Licton Springs

Leonine Iris (2014)  Bloom: 8"  Season: M
Standards: medium purple with a plum mid-rib
Style-arms: medium purple
Falls: medium orchid
Signal: dark orchid thumbprint with white overlay and midnight blue veining; peru central vein
Parentage: Unknown; seedling Aitken 82PC10


Leonine Iris (2014)  Bloom: 12"  Season: M
Standards: slate violet; slender
Style-arms: slate violet
Falls: deep violet blue
Signal: elongated white with dark blue veining and yellow central vein
Parentage: Unknown