Leonine Iris is a home-based garden business, not a production nursery, so rhizomes are limited; please place your order early for the best selection!
We have been providing quality rhizomes from our 1000+ bearded and beardless iris collection since 2004. In 2009 our scope was narrowed to
specializing in Pacific Coast Irises. Our primary goal is to grow a living archive of PCIs and to help achieve that goal, we are constantly
looking for PCIs we are not yet growing. If you grow a valid, registered PCI that we do not grow, we are more than willing
to trade for it! Just let us know what you've got and what you may like in return!
Please note:
- We do not ship bearded rhizomes!
- The vast majority of our Galleria photos have been taken over several decades from various locations around the world. They are simply for reference purposes.
- Any of our excess bearded and beardless rhizomes are donated to the King County Iris Society or shared freely with friends and family.
Three Purchasing Opportunities
September Bare-root Shipping
Rhizomes are dug and processed by batches according to fulfillment needs. To preserve the health of the rhizomes, they are dug, processed and shipped
within a narrow time-frame. This is a very busy time for us and it's the primary reason for all orders being shipped, even for local purchases.
- September shipping rhizome sales are "bare-root" and must be planted immediately upon reciept.
- Orders are accepted for Pacific Coast Iris and species iris sales from May 30 through August 22, 2025,
unless we sell out before then.
- Note: This posting date is flexible due to several life factors.
When it is active there will be irises listed with the cart.
- If simultaneous orders over-sell an item, the transaction date/time stamp will determine the fulfillment. If this is the case, you will be notified.
- Orders are online only! Postal mail orders will not be accepted. A downloadable PDF of the list will be made available for reference purposes only.
- Please do not place an order unless you are ready, willing and able at accept delivery of your shipment. Our target shipping dates are
September 17 and 18, 2025.
- You will be notified of the shipment date via email when your order is shipped.
- NOTE: As of 2020, all orders are subject to Washington State Sales tax.
- NOTE: If multiple orders are placed by the same buyer, they will treated as separate orders and be subject to separate shipping charges. (We cannot second guess your intent and refunding shipping fees costs us money!)
April/May Potted Plants
- NOTE: Orders will be available to pick up at the May 3, 10, 17, 23 and 31 Open Garden Saturdays, 10:00am to 4:00pm.
- These are potted rhizomes held over the winter, ready to plant. Local pick-up only!
- Orders are online, pre-paid, only. No paper orders.
- Please do not place an order unless you are able pick them up on the designated pickup date!
- If simultaneous orders over-sell an item, the transaction date/time stamp will determine the fulfillment. If this is the case, you'll be notified.
There will be NO in-garden sales in May!!
September Curbside
- "Surplus" rhizomes from additonal digging after our shipping has been completed; ready to plant. Local pick-up only
- Orders are online, pre-paid, only. No paper orders.
- Order dates September 15 through September 19. Pickup date: Saturday, September 20, 10:00am to 3:00pm. No shipping!
- Order dates September 20 through September 26. Pickup date: Saturday, September 27, 10:00am to 3:00pm. No shipping!
- Please do not place an order unless you are able pick them up on the designated pickup date!
- If simultaneous orders over-sell an item, the transaction date/time stamp will determine the fulfillment. If this is the case, you'll be notified.
Before Ordering:
We recommend that you know your hardiness zone and plan accordingly. Most irises are pretty tough and can adapt to many
different climates. However, irises such as Pacific Coast Native, Japanese and several species irises require higher maintenance
or need special considerations. The majority of the information we provide here is based on our USDA local Zone 8 growing conditions.
We would be glad to assist you in researching possible special needs for irises in your locale, but you may want to contact
your local nursery or Iris Society for local growing advice. The American Iris Society website (www.irises.org)
is a great resource for locating contact information for local societies.
Our Pacific Coast and other beardless Iris rhizomes are dug and shipped mid-September, and must be replanted immediately,
due to their persnickety needs. Beardless Iris rhizomes must not be allowed to dry out! Be prepared
to plant them within a few days of receiving your order. Our Beardless Iris Culture reference page provides details for optimum
planting conditions.
Although we no longer ship Bearded Iris, you may find this information useful: Rhizomes are typically dug and shipped
from mid-July through mid-August. Bearded Iris rhizomes will go into a semi-dormant state when they
are dug. When kept in a cool and dry area with good airflow they can remain in this state for several weeks without too much
harm. However, the sooner they are replanted, the sooner they can begin re-establishing themselves. We recommend that you be
prepared to plant the rhizomes fairly soon after receiving them. Our Bearded Iris Culture reference page provides preparation details.
Our Guarantee to you: We will only provide you with the healthiest, most vigorous rhizomes available. If any of the rhizomes you order are not up to our
quality standards, we will either substitute with a similar variety of equal or greater value if you have indicated that substitutions
are allowable, or we will issue a refund.
Please Note: Due to growing conditions beyond our control, we cannot guarantee the longevity of the life of your rhizomes.
However, we do want you to be happy with your purchase and will work with you to achieve your satisfaction in the event that your rhizomes do not
survive their first season. Please note that Pacific Coast irises are extremely unpredictable in their survival rate and for
this reason we cannot guarantee survival even their first season. They are notorious for their challenging ways, but are worth the
efforts to get them established. Once established they generally thrive!